Planning for Shylock essay

Planning for Shylock essay

Was Shylock really so awful?

This is my planning for the Merchant of Venice essay on Shylock's 'If you prick us, do we not bleed?' speech and prejudice. 

As you might have noticed from images elsewhere, I use a huge complete works of Shakespeare, The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt et al. It's the same book I used when I studied Shakespeare as an undergraduate. I used a little gem of contextual knowledge from the Merchant of Venice essay in that book that explains how Venice's trading and legal system works for this essay. It's always important to credit your sources! So, for anyone going on to study English literature at A-level: Maus, K E, in Greenblatt et al (eds), 1997, The Norton Shakespeare, W. W. Norton and Co: New York

MoV if you prick us....png
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A Christmas Carol - planning